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What is Regenerative Farming

written by

Joe Wanda

posted on

January 19, 2024

What's regenerative farming and what does it mean for you?

In all the farm tours that I lead, I love to ask this question to the audience....

And to be honest...most don't really have a definitive answer or potentially never heard of the word.

That's totally ok...I personally never heard of the word until probably 2016. 

It's somewhat a new buzz word being thrown around in the media and agriculture right now.

The book definition: "Regenerative" typically refers to processes, systems, or practices that aim to restore, renew, or replenish resources or capabilities, often emphasizing sustainability and resilience. In various contexts, it can involve environmental regeneration, economic regeneration, or even regeneration of tissues or cells in biological systems.

Once you read the definition is seems pretty self explanatory. 

I like to simplify it even more "Make something better than what it was before". 

Regenerative agriculture is a fundamental shift in how we approach farming.

An approach deeply rooted in principles of sustainability, biodiversity, and ecological stewardship. At its core, regenerative farming is about nurturing the land, fostering resilience, and creating a more harmonious relationship between agriculture and nature.


Nutrient Dense Food

So, what does this mean for you, as a consumer?

For starters, it means that the food you put on your table is more nutrient dense because the practices nourish the soil from which it came from through practices like cover cropping, crop rotation/diversity, minimal tillage, livestock integration, etc. We're rebuilding soil health, restoring organic matter, and enhancing the nutrient cycling.

The result?

Nutrient-rich, flavorful food that's not only better for you but also better for the planet.


Clean Food

I think the amazing part about regenerative farming practices are they go beyond just what happens on the surface.

By promoting biodiversity and creating habitat for beneficial insects and wildlife, we're fostering a more resilient ecosystem. One that's better equipped to withstand pests, diseases, and the unpredictable challenges such as extreme climate changes. With the biology in mind, all of this promotes natural solutions over synthetic inputs.

So you can trust that regenerative products are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.

Nature has shown us it abhors synthetic chemicals!

Environmentally friendly

Moreover, regenerative farming isn't just about the present.

It's really a mindset shift about investing in the future.

Unlike modern industrial agriculture practices (including some of organic) that have been focused on short-term gains with little forethoughts of the long term environmental impacts. 

Regenerative practices sequester carbon in the soil. This actively mitigates climate change and works towards a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Community Innovation

Again, going back to the basic definition that I gave early, "make something better than what it was before." 

It embraces a mindset of continuous learning and innovation. We're constantly striving to improve our practices to reduce our environmental footprint, improve the nutrient density, and promote an ecological relationship with nature.

It's find the balance of nature and humans working together. 

So, when you choose to support a regenerative farmer like us, you're not just buying food.

You're investing in a vision of agriculture that's regenerative, resilient, and truly sustainable.

You're supporting a community of farmers who are passionate about the land, dedicated to their craft, and committed to leaving the world a better place than they found it.


Thank you for your support, your trust, and your commitment to a healthier, more sustainable system by supporting our regenerative family farm.


Farmer Joe

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