Pre-order Bulk Meat Shares - 1/4, 1/2, or whole

No Antibiotics or Drugs

Animals are never fed antibiotics or drugs. The animals are never treated with antibiotics unless they are in a life threatening situation which the veterinarian recommends. If an animal is treated, we double the withdraw period that is recommended from the veterinarian before harvest. We almost never have this situation, because the animals live in such a healthy environment. We feel it is ethical to treat an animal if necessary to prevent death.

Beef Rolled Rump Roast

2.5 - 3 lbs avg.

Beef Brisket

3.5-4 lbs

Beef Brisket (Large)

4.5-6 lbs (includes fat cap)

Chicken Thighs

avg. 12 oz pkg - 2 thighs/pkg

Smoked Whole Chicken

2.5 lb Chicken

Beef Oxtail

2 lbs avg.

Beef Short Ribs

1.5 lb avg.

Beef Tongue

3 lbs avg.

Beef Liver

1.5 - 1.7 lbs

Beef Heart

1.5 lbs avg.

Turkey Drumstick

avg. 3.5 lb pkg - 2 legs/pkg

Turkey Wings

avg 2.7 lbs - 2 wings/pkg

15 Dozen | 1 Case (Flats)

2.5 Dozen Flats, Large, AA Eggs

45 Dozen | 3 Cases (Flats)

2.5 Dozen Flats, Large, AA Eggs

150 Dozen | 10 Cases (Flats)

2.5 Dozen Flats, Large, AA Eggs

15 Dozen | 1 Case (Cartons)

1 dozen cartons, Large, AA Eggs

150 Dozen | 10 Cases (Cartons)

Retail 1 Dozen Cartons, Large, AA Eggs

45 Dozen | 3 Cases (Cartons)

Retail 1 Dozen Cartons, Large, AA Eggs

30 Dozen | 2 Cases (Flats)

2.5 Dozen Flats, Large, AA Eggs

30 Dozen | 2 Cases (Cartons)

1 dozen cartons, Large, AA Eggs

Chicken Feet

~1.5 lb pkg

Fresh Pasture Raised Eggs

1 Dozen Large Size Eggs

Beef Suet

1 - 2 lbs

Chicken Drumsticks

avg. 1.4 lb pkg - 4 legs/pkg