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Winter Frosty Ice Land

written by

Joe Wanda

posted on

January 10, 2021

We were able to experience some pretty incredible weather here to start the first day of the year. We had freezing rain, then dense fog the next few days after without any sun. It left everything icy and frosty for the whole week until Friday when we finally had above freezing temperatures. I wish our phone camera would do it all justice, but scroll down to see all the our photos.

Also if you love physics and are nerdy like me, I have a pretty cool video of the ice causing resonance on our fence. Something I have never seen before and somewhat haunting.

The blessing that we have to work outside daily in nature and see these weather phenomenon's makes for a fun journey. It's part of the reason our farm mission is to be stewards of our land and leave it better for our children's children!

Over the holidays we watched the new movie that came out called "Kiss The Ground". It's a great message how regenerative farmers are having a profound impact on human health and the earth's health.

I hope you can take some time to watch it. You can find it on Netflix or we watched it on Vimeo. Once you watch it you will understand how big an impact YOU are having by supporting our regenerative farm. 

Watch the trailer

Let's all do our part to make this world a better place for generations to come so we can continue to enjoy all these beautiful weather creations!



Enjoy our winter wonderland pictures the past week and feel free to leave a comment below!

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He Arose

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